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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Canada MA PhD Scholarships 2011-2012 University of Calgary

2011-2012 Scholarship program for masters and doctoral in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at University of Calgary, Canada
Study Subject:Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Employer:Univ. of Calgary
Level: Masters/ PhD
Scholarship Description: Up to 4 graduate student positions in theoretical and computational chemistry will become available in my group by May 2011, September 2011 or January 2012. The successful applicants will be involved with the development of new computational methods or applications of state-of-the-art methodology to problems of chemical interest. .

The applicant should have a solid background in Physical Chemistry, and a strong interest in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry as well as an average GPA corresponding to 3.5/4.0 (80 %) or more in the North American system. All foreign students will be covered by an inexpensive medical insurance. Students will be fully supported by teaching assistance ships and scholarships for a total of $ 22,000 to $24,000 CDN. The tuition fee is covered by additional research grants . Foreign students with English as a second language must pass the TOEFL test with a score of 580.
Scholarship Application Deadline: January 1 2011, May 1 2011, and September 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

American School of Journalism Undergraduate Scholarships 2011-2011

American Indiana University USA School of Journalism Undergraduate bachelor (B.A.) Scholarships 2011/2012
Each year, the school awards more than 100 scholarships to eligible students. Applying is easy: To be considered for all but one of the awards, students need to complete only one online application. (See a list of those scholarships at the Current Students Scholarships page.)

This application form requires a journalism GPA and overall cumulative GPA (available in OneStart). Freshmen will not have a GPA until grades are final at the end of December. All students should obtain the latest grade information for the applications, which means submitting applications after grades are final.
All awards are contingent upon the recipient becoming or continuing as a student in good standing in the School of Journalism pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Students who are pre-journalism must be accepted for admission as journalism majors no later than May 31, 2011, to receive scholarship funds for the 2011-12 academic year.
The Ross Hazeltine Travel Scholarship:
For the Ross Hazeltine Travel Scholarships, available to seniors only, complete the online application for that award. This award provides funding for travel or study outside the United States, Canada or Mexico. Applicants must be in their senior years 2010-2011 and planning to receive BAJ degrees by August 2011. Travel time is for a two-month minimum.
Applicants also submit a proposal that includes a 1,000-word description of your project. It must include the title for the project, the country or countries the student intends to visit, rationale for the project, a description of how the reporting will be delivered to an audience, a timetable and an itinerary, a budget with estimates for coach airline travel, lodging, daily per diem, local transportation and other necessary items.
Applications are reviewed by the School of Journalism undergraduate scholarship committee, which is composed of faculty members and an undergraduate student. Candidates will be screened on the basis of their completed applications, and only candidates deemed qualified by the committee will be invited to the personal interviews.
Students selected for interviews will be notified by e-mail. Interview sessions are important in helping the committee make difficult choices, and students should be prepared to discuss any items contained in the application as well as journalism in general.
Links to visit:
•    Online Application
•    Current Students Scholarships 2011/2012
•    Online application for Ross Hazeltine Travel Scholarship (for seniors only)
•    Official announcement

Friday, December 10, 2010

Malaysia Merdeka Scholarships Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies 2011-2012

Malaysia Merdeka Scholarships Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies 2011-2012. This scholarship is eligible only for Malaysian citizens
The Khazanah-Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Merdeka Scholarships, established to mark the 50th anniversary of Malaysia’s independence, are intended to enable outstanding Malaysian students to undertake postgraduate study at the University of Oxford.
Subject areas may be drawn from a range of fields. Candidates are required to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement, and how their study will make a contribution to the future needs of Malaysia.

Fields of Study
The fields of study covered by the Scholarship Programme include the following:
a) Business: Economics, Finance, Investment, Law, Actuarial Science;
b) Bio-medical Sciences: Bio-chemistry, Food Technology, Bio-technology, Bio-engineering, Molecular Biology, Genomics and Bio-informatics;
c) Engineering: Electronics, Micro-Electronics, Nano-technology, Materials Science.
Other fields may be considered.
Candidates, who must be citizens of Malaysia, should have an excellent record of academic achievement and a proven capacity for independent research. Attention will also be given to the personal qualities of the candidates in terms of their leadership potential and ability to communicate. Candidates will be expected to show how their careers and the wider interests of Malaysia will benefit from a period of study at Oxford.
Value of Scholarship
Awards will include University and College fees, accommodation and subsistence allowances, and return air fares. Awards are renewable annually through the duration of the programme of study.
How to Apply
To apply, applicants are required to submit the following:
* The completed application form;
* A signed personal statement of no more than 1,000 words that includes a description of the intended area of study and describes how this will benefit Malaysia. The statement should also outline the applicant’s reasons for wanting to study at Oxford, and summarise the personal qualities that would make them a worthy recipient of ascholarship;
* A list of academic qualifications and other awards and honours received;
* A statement of the status of their application to the University of Oxford;
* Two confidential letters of recommendation from referees who can assess in detail the applicant’s academic performance and potential. The recommendation letters must reach the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies by the application deadline.
All correspondence should be addressed to:
The Academic Office,
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies,
George Street,
Oxford OX1 2AR,
UK Tel: 44 1865 278730
Fax: 44 1865 248942
10 Jan 2011

Erasmus Mundus GEM MSc Scholarships 2011-20212

Erasmus Mundus GEM MSc Master of Sciences Scholarships 2011-20212. Application deadline: 30 December 2010
GEM MSc course – General Information
Five renowned European institutes offer a unique Erasmus Mundus joint European Master of Science (MSc) Course in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management (GEM), which starts annually in September.

This Masters Course has been successfully implemented over the last five years with funding from the Erasmus Mundus Programme. We are very glad to announce that for the Masters’2011 intake “Erasmus Mundus scholarships” will be available!
The course has demonstrated high quality throughout.
Candidate students interested in participating in this Erasmus Mundus Masters Course should visit its website for further information on the participation requirements and, if applicable, the availability of alternativescholarships.
Candidates who wish to apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarship:
If you apply online you will see a checkbox where you can apply on the same time for the EM scholarship.
Please note that the deadline for EM scholarship is on 30 december 2010!
Candidates who wish to apply for scholarships (Netherlands Fellowship Program, Erasmus Mundus External Windows, Worldbank etc) may have to observe early deadlines and early application is recommended.
Self funded candidates can submit their applications until 1 June 2011.
We also have opportunities for EU students. There are a number of fee-only scholarships available for EU students, and we can also assist you in applying for an Erasmus Socrates scholarship (EU students only).
From November 2010 on you can apply online, which is safe and quick. After applying digitally, you can upload the required documents on your personal page. After you have everything complete you should print theapplication form, sign it and send it together with the other required documents to ITC in the Netherlands.
The programme, which lasts 22 months, is worth 120 credits in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Visit the official website for more

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taiwan NTUST MA PhD Scholarships 2011-2012

2011-2012 MA Phd Scholarships for developing countries in TAIWAN, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
Scholarship for developing countries in TAIWAN, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Financial Aid Available to International Graduate Students Enrolled in English-taught Programs at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
This financial aid is made available to international graduate students for the purpose of globalizing the campus by attracting outstanding graduate students from abroad. Scholarship for developing countries in TAIWAN

1. College graduates or graduate students from abroad applying for admission to our graduate programs as full-time students may apply for one year’s financial aid.
2. Near the end of their first academic year, students may apply for the renewal of the financial aid for their next year of graduate study by submitting the following materials: the previous year’s transcript, a report on or examples of their research output, and a letter of recommendation from their faculty advisor.
3. Students who have already received financial aid from the R.O.C. government or other academic sources are not eligible to apply to this particular financial aid program; however, they may still receive an educational subsidy for any work performed.
4. Duration of Scholarships:
* Master’s program scholarships: maximum two years
* Ph.D. program scholarships: maximum three years
* Master’s fast –track to Ph.D. program scholarships: maximum four years
1. The sources of this financial aid are the university’s endowment fund and subsidies from the Ministry of Education.
2. Number of recipients: Will be decided each year based upon the university’s annual budget.
3. For a scholarship recipient, in addition to a waiver of tuition and fees for that year, a monthly stipend of NT$10,000 is granted to a master’s program student, and a NT$15,000 monthly stipend is granted to a doctoral student upon their enrollment
via Offical announcement and more details

Beasiswa S2 dan S3 Dikti untuk Dosen 2011-2012

Info Beasiswa S2 S3 Dikti untuk dosen dalam negeri Tahun 2010 2011 2012 bagi mahasiswa pascasarjana Indonesia
Dosen merupakan SDM perguruan tinggi yang memiliki peran yang sangat sentral dan strategis dalam seluruh aktivitas di perguruan tinggi. Kualitas dosen akan sangat menentukan tinggi-rendahnya kualitas suatu perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, sebagaimana diamanatkan UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, dan Permen Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 tentang Sertifikasi Dosen, dosen harus memiliki strata pendidikan minimal satu tingkat lebih tinggi dari para mahasiswa yang diajarnya.

Dosen perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang bergelar S2/S3 menurut data tahun 2003/2004 baru mencapai angka sekitar 55%. Pada tahun 2007 persantase tersebut menurun menjadi 50.6% (setara dengan 77663 orang), dan pada tahun 2008 meningkat menjadi 52.1% (setara dengan 80684 orang), sedangkan pada tahun 2009 persentase tersebut meningkat menjadi 57.4% (89890 orang). Persentase ini masih di jauh dari target yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Strategis Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi pada tahun 2009 yaitu 70%.
Pendaftaran beasiswa S-2/S-3 Luar Negeri dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional (Dikti Kemdiknas) sudah dibuka untuk gelombang 6 alokasi tahun 2011. Program beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi dosen Tetap PTN, dosen DPk dan dosen tetap yayasan (PTS) di lingkungan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, terutama untuk program S-3 (PhD).
Bagi yang berminat, pendaftaran beasiswa secara online bisa dilakukan melalui situs Melalui pendaftaran secara online ini, setiap pendaftar akan memperoleh nomor registrasi online.
Selanjutnya, untuk mengklarifikasi informasi yang telah disampaikan secara online itu, pelamar harus mengirimkan berkas-berkas lamaran berupa :
  1. Nomor Registrasi Online
  2. Surat keterangan dari Rektor dan/atau Kopertis
  3. Form A Dikti
  4. Letter of Acceptance dari perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi
  5. Foto kopi ijazah S-1 bagi pelamar jenjang S-2 dan ijazah S-2 bagi pelamar jenjang S-3
  6. Bukti kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS), Jerman, Perancis, Jepang atau bahasa lain sesuai negara tempat perguruan tinggi yang dituju (tidak lebih dari 2 tahun terakhir)
  7. Surat rekomendasi (3 buah)
  8. Proposal penelitian
Seluruh berkas tersebut di atas dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat dengan menuliskan nama, alamat, serta nomor registrasi online pengirim dan dikirim ke alamat: Direktorat Ketenagaan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Kompleks Kemdiknas Gedung D Lantai 5 Jln. Jenderal Sudirman, Pintu 1 Senayan, Jakarta.
Batas akhir pengiriman berkas pendaftaran paling lambat diterima 30 Januari 2011 pukul 15.00 WIB. Informasi bisa disampaikan melalui email:
Pendaftaran Online, Klik :

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

2011 2012 Government of the Czech Republic Scholarships

The Government of the Czech Republic Scholarships 2011 for Developing Countries
The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.
These so called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study:

1. in Bachelor/Master study programmes plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from upper secondary schools who can enrol only in study programmes in which they follow instruction in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to take entrance examinations at the respective institution of higher education. The scholarship award is conditional upon a successful passing of entrance examinations;
2. in follow-up Master study programmes or Doctoral study programmes. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from Bachelor or Master study programmes, respectively, who enrol in study programmes with instruction in the English language.
Study Areas Available in English:
1) Economics
* follow-up master study programme Economics, Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague (;
* doctoral study programme Economic Theories, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University in Prague (;
2) Informatics
* follow-up master study programme Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (;
* follow-up master study programme Information Management, Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové (;
3) Agriculture
* follow-up master study programme Natural Resources and Enviroment, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (;
* follow-up master study programme Forestry, Water and Landscape Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (;
* follow-up master study programme Technology and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (;
* doctoral study programme Chemistry (Agriculture Chemistry), Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno (;tag=67).
Scholarship applications together with the required attachments are to be submitted to the appropriate Czech Embassy in the applicant’s country before the deadline set by the Embassy so that the applicants’ dossiers reach the respective Czech authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport) by 15 January each year.
Students who, at the time of application, stay in the Czech Republic may submit the respective documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Co-operation, by 31 December of the preceding year at the latest.
Foreign nationals who have been granted permanent residence in the Czech Republic are not eligible to apply for Government scholarships.
A limited number of scholarships is offered to students from developing countries who file their applications with the respective National UNESCO Commissions. For contact information on individual local offices see (and search under the heading Communities, National Commissions).
Applications sent directly to the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport will not be processed.
Prospective applicants are advised to address their inquiries concerning, among others, their eligibility and closing date for applications to the Czech Embassies in their countries.
Detailed information on the terms and conditions of scholarship awards is provided in the binding “Instructions regarding the Scholarship Award Scheme of the Government of the Czech Republic” issued in English (click to download inPDF (238.73 KB) or Word (188.50 KB)), which the prospective applicants are advised to peruse.
Scholarship application forms may be obtained from the respective Czech Embassies or downloaded here in PDF (137.23 KB) or Word (176.50 KB) format. (For the list of required attachments see part 1.1, 2.1 of the Instructions.)
Attachment f) “Medicate Certificate” must be issued on the official form that is available at the respective Czech Embassies and can be also downloaded here in English (PDF, Word).

European Master of Science Scholarships 2011 2012

European Master of Science | International Health Degree Programme Worldwide
Scholarship / Financial aid: Category A scholarships and Category B scholarships offered
Date: 2011-2012
Deadline: 28th of November 2010 and 31st of January 2011
Open to: EU and outside EU students
Announcement follows
The European Master of Science Programme in International Health is part of tropEd, a network of 33 European and 7 non-European institutions for higher education. In existence since 1996, tropEd collaborates closely with institutions in Asia, Africa, and the Americas in providing postgraduate education and training opportunities.
The European Master of Science Programme in International Health is a one year, full-time study programme taught in English excepted in Mexico (in spanish). The main objective of the programme is to raise awareness of current global health concerns. Students become qualified to identify and critically analyse key factors shaping the health and well-being of populations in low- and middle-income countries and to formulate effective and appropriate responses to complex health-related issues.
The tropEd EMMC is offered by 7 European Institutions, and 3 Third Country Institutions, each contributing with Specific expertise in a particular area of International Health:
* Kobenhavns Universitet, Denmark
* Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux2, France
* Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin und Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
* Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexico
* Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands
* Universitetet i Bergen, Norway
* University of Cape Town, South Africa
* Khon Kaen University, Thailand
* University College London, United Kingdom
* Queen Margaret University, United Kingdom
5 study tracks are offered for this degree and reflect the strengths of the consortium institutions:
Scholarships Description       

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Erasmus Mundus 2011-2012 IMACS MSc Scholarships

2011-2012 Erasmus Mundus IMACS – International Master in Advanced Clay Science: Scholarship in Europe
Erasmus Mundus – IMACS Scholarships
The Erasmus Mundus Masters Course “International Master in Advanced Clay Science” plans to form high level graduates in the field of clay science by providing them the competence, fundamental knowledge and skill necessary to perfectly assimilate the more recent developments in clay science and their applied perspectives.

The term “Clay Science” is used in its widest sense as it covers a very large and multidisciplinary domain, with career prospects in the cement and ceramic industry, paper and paint industry, civil engineering, geotechnics, nanotechnology, mineralogy-crystallography, pedology, geology, medicine, cosmectic industry, foods, petroleum and mining industry, environmental cleanup, groundwater protection… The IMACS provides a complete background in the main fields of clay science and technology as well as an in depth professional specialisation in two of the following fields :
“Environment, Soil and Geological system”
“Geomaterials and Civil Engineering – Assessment and processing”
“Advanced clay, Nanomaterial”
“Healing minerals”
AIPEA (Agence Internationale pour l’Etude des Argiles) is associated to this Master. AIPEA is dedicated to the world-wide promotion of and international cooperation in clay research and technology.
IMACS is an integrated Master of Science designed by 5 institutions with a wide range of leadership in clay science :
- the University of Poitiers (UP) in France (co-ordinator),
- the University of Aveiro (UA) in Portugal,
- the Technical University of Crete (TUC) (Chania) in Greece,
- the University of Ottawa (UO) in Canada,
- the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) (Porto Alegre) in Brazil.
Requirements and Supports
Deadline for students scholarships application : 31 December for out of Europe Students and 30 April for European students.
- The Masters Course is open to students having acquired a BSc with a minimum grade of “B” in the ECTS grading system as well as a proven fluent understanding of the English language (TOEFL : 550 PBT, or IELTS : 6.5). Academic equivalency may be attributed based on the professional experience of the applicant.
- Tuition fees : 8000 € by year.
- Attractive scholarships can be awarded to students (including contribution to travel, installation, participation cost and a monthly allowance).
- Free language training (FR, PT, G, EN).
Many students’ services and facilities (visa request, accommodation, insurance, bank account opening, social and cultural activites…).
Short-term scholarships (max. 3 months) for academics to carry out research and teaching assignments.
Coordinator :
PATRIER-MAS Patricia Tél : –
Download flyer:
More informations on IMACS :

Denmark Postgraduate Master Scholarships in International Health 2010 2011

Postgraduate Master Scholarships in International Health Denmark 2010/2011 University of Copenhagen for developing countries
Danida provides a number of Master in International Health Scholarships at University of Copenhagen for students from some developing countries. The Master of International Health focuses on public health issues in low and middle income societies, and includes a broad range of theory within public health, medicine, epidemiology, anthropology, political science, management, and organization.
Funding Possibilities
Foundations and organisations linked from this website are in no way directly linked to the Master of International Health and do not have specific Master of International Health grants or scholarships.
The University of Copenhagen sponsorships are open to applicants who are citizens of Danida partner countries. However, for other students the sources on this website might be a starting point finding grants and scholarships.
Citizens of Danida Programme Countries
(Danish International Development Assistance)
Applicants for the Master in International Health programme who work in Danida-supported programmes/project must get information and apply through the relevant programme/project adviser and the programme officer at the Danish Embassy in their home country.
Danida programme countries include at the moment: Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia. Degree studies can generally only be financed by the Danida-supported programme/project if they fall under national HRD plans for the respective sectors.
Please see Danida Fellowship Centre for further information.     
Other Funding Possibilities
For applicants and students who are not citizens in a Danida Programme Countries the links below can be good starting points for finding grant and scholarships.
•    Danish funding possibilities                             
•    International funding possibilities 
•    Erasmus Mundus scholarships
Official announcement      

Monday, December 6, 2010

UAE Master Scholarship 2011-2012 Al Maktoum Foundation

Master Scholarships from Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation 2011/2012
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation offers graduate scholarships for Arab students through its Pioneers Programme. The Programme aims at developing the knowledge capabilities of talented youth across the Arab World, by offering them scholarships to pursue Master’s Degree programmes at leading universities in the Arab World.

The Programme offers free scholarships to qualified Arab candidates who demonstrate leadership capabilities, to pursue their Master’s Degrees. The scholarship covers tuition, fees, and books for the full duration of study.
Nationals of the 22 member countries of the League of Arab States are eligible to apply. These countries are: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen.
How to apply for a scholarship
To be eligible for a graduate scholarship through the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Pioneers Programme, candidates should:
* Secure their own acceptance to one of the Foundation’s regional partner universities
* Apply for the Pioneers scholarship through the scholarship office at the relevant partner university
* Attach certified copies of all undergraduate academic credentials to the application
* Attend an interview with the programme advisory panel, if required
* Send copies of the following to
o Acceptance letter from Partner University
o Degree
o Transcript of grades
o GRE, GMAT grades if available
o TOEFL or IELTS grades
o Resume
o Passport
o Recent letter of employment
o Financial Status Form
Important Notes:
* Once a candidate is awarded a scholarship, he/she will be required to sign a legally binding agreement with the Foundation, undertaking to remain and work in one of the 22 Arab States, for a minimum period of two years
* Scholarships are available for approved degrees at partner universities/campuses only
* The Programme is only available to students who have not started their Master’s Degree courses yet
* The pioneers must be enrolled as full-time students, for the full duration of study
* The Programme does not cover summer school fees
* Fall semester: August 15
* Spring semester: November 30
To check Partner Universities, go to:
* Al Akhawayn University
o Master of Business Administration
o MSc. Corporate Finance
* American University in Beirut
o MA in Financial Economics
o Master of Business Administration
* American University in Cairo
o Master of Business Administration
o Master in Public Administration Policy
o Master in Journalism & Mass Comm
* American University in Dubai
o Master of Business Administration
To enquire about this Programme, please send an email to after reading the FAQs
Scholarship website

Beasiswa S2 S3 Pemerintah Prancis BGF 2011 2012

Info Beasiswa master dan doktoral ke Prancis : BGF 2011 2012 untuk mahasiswa pelajar Indonesia
Batas pengajuan aplikasi beasiswa: 31 Maret 2011!
Tentang BGF 2011 :
Pemerintah Prancis melalui Kedutaan Besar Prancis di Jakarta telah memberikan beasiswa kepada warga Indonesia selama lebih dari 30 tahun. Dalam rangka mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia di Indonesia, Kedutaan Besar Prancis akan memberikan beasiswa untuk tahun 2010.

Beasiswa tersebut diberikan kepada pegawai negeri, dosen, mahasiswa (terutama mereka yang terlibat dalam program kerjasama antara Prancis dan Indonesia) untuk mengikuti 2 jenis program pendidikan :
  • Master (full scholarship)
  • Doktorat (full scholarship – 18 bulan)
Juri akan memberikan prioritas kepada mereka yang telah melakukan identifikasi program baik master atau doktorat dan yang telah memiliki respon positif / rekomendasi dari profesor Prancis atau surat penerimaan.
CampusFrance Indonesia dapat membantu Anda untuk menemukan program studi yang Anda minati.
Aplikasi harus diserahkan paling lambat tanggal 31 maret 2011 !

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Japan Keio University Master PhD Scholarship 2010 2011

The Graduate School of Science and Technology has a program that offers scholarships to those who have successfully passed the entrance examination.
University Recommendation Scholarship
From the list of students who have successfully passed the entrance exam, the University will select outstanding students and recommend them to a scholarship program. These students will be the recipients of the scholarship they have been recommended to.

1.    Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO:MEXT) Scholarship through University Recommendation
2.    ADB Scholarship
3.    Fujiwara Scholarship : Availability varies each year.
For further information, please read the Application Guide.
•  Other Scholarships
1.    Scholarships you need to apply to before enrolling in graduate school.
Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO : MEXT) scholarship(Embassy Nominated Students)
2.    Scholarships you need to apply to after enrolling in graduate school.
Exemption from tuition, and other scholarships from private and regional public organizations, etc.
For more information please read details at the Keio University International Center or JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization).

MBA Scholarships 2011-2012 London Business School Deutsche Bank

2011/2012 Deutsche Bank MBA Scholarships for Women at London Business School
The Deutsche Bank scholarships will be awarded to MBA and Masters in Finance students in the AMOUNT of £20,000 each.
These extremely generous awards are designed to enable talented women with an interest in the finance sector to study at London Business School.
Successful MBA recipients of the scholarship will be fast-tracked to final round summer internship interviews.

Applicants must be Women MBA students of any nationality including female students from Nigeria, Africa and Every other country.
To be considered for admission to London Business School’s MBA Programme, students are required to submit:
Completed application form
Application essays
A one-page Curriculum Vitae/Resume
Two letters of recommendation (References are now completed and submitted online)
Original copies of the official transcript of grades from each university attended
GMAT score (Valid for five years)
TOEFL iBT, IELTS or CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) where applicable
Details on how to apply for this award will be made available to successful candidates once an offer of a place on the MBA Programme has been made.
Scholarships are awarded every year- Annually.
For further details, Deutsche Bank MBA Scholarships for Women – London Business School Website